To learn more about each immunization, click on the links below for an easy to read handout. Additionally, you can preview the Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) that you'll receive at your immunization visit by downloading them here from the CDC website.
Please feel free to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about vaccines with your child's provider.
The DTaP and Tdap vaccines both protect against three bacterial infections: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
Hepatitis A Immunization
Hepatitis A is a virus that causes hepatitis (liver inflammation). Symptoms include fever, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), nausea, and vomiting. Young children are much less likely to develop symptoms when they are infected with the hepatitis A virus than adults.
Hepatitis B Immunization
The hepatitis B vaccine is given to prevent the severe liver disease that can develop when children or adults are infected with the hepatitis B virus.
Hib Immunization
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a bacterium that can lead to meningitis, epiglottis, pneumonia, and other serious infections.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunization
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that can result in skin infections and various forms of cancer, including cervical and reproductive cancers.
Influenza Immunization
Commonly known as the flu, influenza is a virus that infects the trachea (windpipe) or bronchi (breathing tubes).
Varicella (Chickenpox) Immunization
Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella virus, and it is highly contagious. The rash of chickenpox begins as red bumps that turn into blisters that cover the entire body. There are usually as many as 300-500 blisters during a single infection.
Meningococcus Immunizations (Types ACWY and Type B)
Meningococcus is a bacterium. Meningococcal bacteria live on the lining of the nose and throat and are spread from one person to another by close personal contact. Occasionally, the bacterium enters the bloodstream and causes severe disease.
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Immunization
The MMR vaccine contains vaccines that protect against three viral infections: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.
Pneumococcus Immunization
Pneumococcus is a bacterium that causes several different types of serious infections in children. But by far, the most common is pneumonia.
Polio Immunization
Polio is caused by a virus and is highly contagious. It affects people differently. The virus does damage by reproducing itself (or replicating) in the intestines, then traveling through the bloodstream, where it can infect the brain and spinal cord. Paralysis caused by polio occurs when the virus replicates in and attacks the nervous system.
Rotavirus Immunization
Rotavirus is a virus that infects the lining of the intestines. Although not typically known by its name, most parents recognize rotavirus by its symptoms — high fever, persistent and severe vomiting, and diarrhea.